Welcome To Government Polytechnic Thane
  • Government Polytechnic, Thane
  • शासकीय तंत्रनिकेतन, ठाणे
  • (An Institute of State government of Maharashtra)

DTE-Code: 3011

MSBTE-Code: 0116(1 st shift) 1570(2 nd shift)

Phone: +91 986 938 0887

Email: principal.gpthane@dtemaharashtra.gov.in

About Government Polytechnic Thane

Government Polytechnic Thane is one of the oldest polytechnic established in Mumbai region in 1985. The institute belongs to Government of Maharashtra & under the governance of the Director of Technical Education (M.S) Mumbai. The institute is affiliated to Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE). The Institute is a co-education institute responsible for imparting industry-responsive Diploma level programs in the field of engineering, technology & professional education to the students admitted as per norms stipulated by Government of Maharashtra.

The aim of institute is to create technical human resource and entrepreneurs to contribute towards increasing GDP of the nation and to set a model polytechnic. This institute offers the diploma programs in engineering which are affiliated to Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai and recognized by All India Council for Technical-Education,New-Delhi.

The institute is much closer to the industrial area within the developing community. The notable industries located within 10 kms belt around Thane. Well established infrastructure facilities are key factors for positive performances. The faculty members are well qualified, experienced & well trained under NITTTR courses, I.S.T.E. courses & other personality development courses. Faculty members are capable of conducting continuing educational programmes for the industries and the other organizations.

As we believe that education is not simply the acquisition of knowledge, but it is something that develops thinking in the students which leaves a lasting effect upon them resulting in a lifelong learning. So our goal is to support the students for their overall development. We take efforts to make our students able to face challenges and stand confidently in the increasingly complex world. We transform students into technicians having employability and provide various technical services to the community.

Institute is spread over 4.94 acres of land with desired level infrastructure which includes Academic and Administrative Building (8187.44 Sqm.) ,workshop(1280 Sqm.) and Boys Hostel ( 2092.79 Sqm.).