Welcome To Government Polytechnic Thane
  • Government Polytechnic, Thane
  • शासकीय तंत्रनिकेतन, ठाणे
  • (An Institute of State government of Maharashtra)

DTE-Code: 3011

MSBTE-Code: 0116(1 st shift) 1570(2 nd shift)

Phone: +91 986 938 0887

Email: principal.gpthane@dtemaharashtra.gov.in

Message From TPO

Training & Placement Cell of Government Polytechnic Thane Playing Crucial Role in identifying job opportunities for Diploma students passing out from the college by keeping in contact with reputed firms and industries.

Training & Placement Department work throughout the year for establishing the contact with companies. The number of students placing through campus is increasing continuously. Two senior faculties work in Training & Placement department. All the activities are monitored and conducted by Training & Placement officers.

Many reputed industries visits for campus placement on invitation from Training & Placement of Government Polytechnic Thane. We have been successful for maintaining placement statistics over the year.

Training & Placement Cell organizes Career guidance programme for all the students starting from first year. Training & Placement Cell organizes training programme like MOC interview, Group discussions. We also invite industry personals to guide final year students.

Developing students to meet the Industry Recruitment Process. Aiming to increase number of placement year by year.

Committee Member

Sr.No. Name Post Email Id & Contact Number
1 Dr. D. R. Mahajan Training& Placement Officer(I/C) tpogpthane@gmail.com & 7588258321
2 Mr.Sachin S.Kale Training& Placement Officer(I/C) tpogpthane@gmail.com
3 TPO Assistant
TPO Assistant

Placement Information

Sr.No. Name of Program Number of Students Placed
2021-22 2020-21 2019-20
1 Mechanical Engineering 16 29 51
2 Civil Engineering 1 1 1
3 Information Technology 1 6 3
4 Computer Engineering 3 6 0
5 Chemical Engineering 2 5 4
6 Travel & Tourism 34 17 23

Our Recruiters